What documentary subject matter works best for your audience?
It varies but due to neighborhood social justice is important.
How many people help program the films you screen?
Do you work with distributors or directly with filmmakers to book films?
What percentage of your box office revenue is shared with the distributor/rightsholder?
It depends on the deal, we do rev share
Does your cinema have a fixed calendar or can you extend runs of docs that are performing well?
Outside of Oscar qualifying we don't that many runs but we are beginning to change that.
How long does each first-run film play at your cinema?
See above
Does your cinema offer screening series or other special programs?
Yes, our series usually happen due to a grant.
Are you able to Skype-in guests for Q&As?
We avoid it because our technology is not the greatest.
Do you offer other post-screening panels or guests?
Absolutely, It is what we are know for and dialogue is part of our organization's mission.
Do you rent your cinema to third parties (other film festivals, etc)?