How do you market your films to the public?
Through the website, weekly newsletters, a monthly printed programme and across social media platforms including – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - plus we do specific outreach to relevant groups and partners for each film and event.
What are the most effective marketing methods for your cinema?
The website, newsletters but most of all across social media and through specific outreach to relevant groups and partners. Since the cinema opened 5 years ago we increasingly rely on social media platforms to market our films and events, it is very intensive, since as a general rule we release two films a week and have one event. This is in addition to our traditional marketing as mentioned above Approximately a third of our films have a distributor which brings with it marketing support but many of our films are what we call ‘DocHouse Originals’ and do not have a distributor or Sales agent and they require dedicated publicising to our followers through these platforms but in addition we do specific research for outreach to groups who may be interested in the subject and hopefully come to the cinema for the first time and then return when they experience our screen and our programme. This has significantly helped to grow our audience of Doc enthusiasts over time.