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  • What percentage of your films are documentaries?


95%, We have will occasionally program a film that relates to a true life story or uses the technics of documentary but there is a context for programming it. We also have a renter that feels more like a program partner and she will occasionally show something that is not a doc. She runs Uni France in New York, them films are french with English subtitles. 

  • Is your cinema open year round?  


Yes, accept for two weeks around Christmas and early January.


  • How many screenings does your cinema offer each week? 

We average 3 per week. 

  • Does your cinema have a particular mandate with respect to the kind of documentaries you screen? 

We have a focus on social justice but not a mandate. We show other genres. 

  • How do you find the films you want to screen? 


Our programmers have deep cinema knowledge, curators, filmmakers and distributors also come to us. 

  • How many seats is your cinema? 


51 but we have capacity for overflow if it is not DCP in our reception area downstairs. This is with folding chairs and brings us about 30 more seats. 

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